Council Contacts

current KHR council members


In back row, left to right: Councillor Maureen MacMillan, Councillor Brian Pecoskie, Councillor Ted Browne, Councillor Carl Kuehl Seated, left to right Councillor Harold Lavigne, Mayor David Mayville and Councillor Bil Smith

Current Township Council Contact Information

Councillor Phone Email
Dave Mayville (Mayor) H: 613-757-1566 C: 613-401-7697 Email Mayor Mayville
Ted Browne (Ward 1) C: 613-504-1856 Email Councillor Browne
Bil Smith (Ward 1) H: 613-281-1106 Email Councillor Smith
Maureen MacMillan (Ward 2) H: 613-585-3689 Email Councillor MacMillan
Carl Kuehl (Ward 2) H: 613-757-2022 Email Councillor Kuehl
Brian Pecoskie (Ward 3) H: 613-757-3293 Email Councillor Pecoskie
Harold Lavigne (Ward 3) H: 613-757-0170 Email Councillor Lavigne

Committees of Council

Committees of Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards - December 6, 2022 (for 2022-2023)

The Mayor is a sitting member on all municipal committees as ex-officio.