Level 1 Fire Ban Lifted - Effective April 19, 2024
A Level 1 Fire Ban allows small campfires. The size not to exceed 2 foot by 2 foot. No brush burning. No fireworks.
During the fire season from April 1 to October 31, inclusive, the person responsible for conducting the burning must ensure that the fire is ignited no earlier than two hours before sunset, or later, and is extinguished no later than two hours after sunrise, or earlier.
The usual burning regulations apply as indicated in Killaloe-Hagarty-Richards Township By-Law # 28-2021.
View full by-law (pdf file)
There is to be no burning of garbage.
Campfire means an Open-Air Fire, having a maximum fuel volume of .6 metres x .6 metres x .6 metres (2 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet), that is set or maintained in an outdoor fire pit or outdoor fireplace and is used solely for the purposes of cooking food, providing warmth or recreational enjoyment.
Brush piles for burning must be no larger than two meters in diameter, two metres high and placed not less than ten metres apart.
In the case of burning grass, the area to be burned shall be less than one acre and the length of the flaming edge shall be less than thirty metres.
The KHRFD has approval to staff to 28 persons. It is staffed by a wholly volunteer force. Those volunteers, spend years undertaking training on a weekly or monthly basis and put themselves on the line to protect citizen's lives and property. Training includes such things as Fire Suppression, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Ropes and Knots, Ladders, Water Supply, Fire Streams, Portable Fire Extinguishers, Ventilation, Pumps, Incident Command, Tanker Operations, Vehicle Extrication, Public Education, Public Relations, Fire Inspections, Communications, CPR, First Aid and a myriad of other related functions.
The KHRFD provides fire suppression and rescue services. It is certified in heavy extrication and provides services to townships other than KH&R by its membership in the Renfrew County Mutual Aid Program. It has six fire vehicles; a pumper/tanker, two pumpers, a tanker, a rescue van and a rapid response vehicle/bush truck.

The KHRFD provides a Fire Prevention Program to the Township and undertakes a number of community focused activities such as the school fire prevention and education program etc.
Your Volunteer Fire Fighters are committed to providing the best fire protection we can.
Contact Information
In case of a fire emergency, please call 9-1-1