Township Fees
These are charges for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of the municipality.
Birth/Death Registrations |
- $15.00 per registration
- $250.00 -
Dog Licences |
- $10.00 per year (Before March 31st) (spayed or neutered)
- $15.00 per year (Before March 31st) (not spayed or neutered)
- After March 31st add $5 per tag $5.00 per each additional dog
Marriage Licences |
Planning Fees |
- Minor Variance Application $750.00 -
- Zoning Application $ 25.00 -
- Zoning/Buildings Compliance Letter
Photocopies |
Faxes |
Tax Certificates
Zoning Certificates
Transient Traders Licence |
- $100.00 per year
- Door to Door Sales $20.00 per event -
- Mobile Food Unit $100.00 per year -
- Transient Photographers $100.00 per event -
- Midway sponsored by local organization $500.00 per event - Unsponsored Midway $400.00 per year -
- Produce Stands, Chipwagons, Adhoc Food Outlets (If located on municipal property an additional $100/month rental fee applies)
- Farmers Markets - Exempt
Special Events |
Water Sales |
Septic Disposal (into Sewage Plant Facility) |
Sewage Service Hook-Up Permit |
Water & Sewage |
- Water: $106.23 per month residential - water $119.51 per month small commercial -
- water $132.79 per month large commercial - water Sewage: $35.00 per month residential -
- sewage $38.00 per month commercial - sewage Sewage: Special
- User Rates: $330.00 per month St. Andrew's School $330.00 per month Killaloe Public School
Entrance Permits |
- $650.00 Refundable Deposit for Residential Permit $850.00
- Refundable Deposit for Commercial Permit
911 Signs |
Oversized Loads Permits |
Swimming Pool Permit |
- $ 100.00 per permit plus any applicable deck permits
Shoreline Road Allowance |
- $250.00 Non-refundable Administration Fee $5.00 per linear foot + HST for Shoreline Purchase + Cost Recovery for legal, registration, ads, etc.
- View By-Law #42-2006
Waste Management
(See Schedule "C" to By-Law #19-2021 for ALL related fees )
- Residential: $2.00 per bag Commercial: $2.00 per bag Sorted Demolition Material:
- $30.00 per load - Utility Trailer (5x8) or ½ ton truck
- $150.00 per load - Single Axle Truck or Roll Off Bin
- $360.00 per load - Tandem Truck or Roll Off Bin
Trailers and Vehicles with racks - fee doubles.
- $30.00 per load - Utility Trailer (5x8) or ½ ton truck
- $150.00 per load - Single Axle Truck or Roll Off Bin
- $360.00 per load - Tandem Truck or Roll Off Bin
Unsorted Demolition Material is not accepted. Pine Needles, Grass Clippings and Leaves:
- $30.00 per load - Utility Trailer (5x8) or ½ ton truck
- $150.00 per load - Single Axle Truck or Roll Off Bin
- $360.00 per load - Tandem Truck or Roll Off Bin
- Fire Debris - $360 (Limited to not more than one tandem load) Furniture/Mattress: $15.00 per piece Refrigerators and Other Appliances Containing Freon or Other Refrigerants $35.00 per appliance