P.O. Box 195
Killaloe, ON., K0J 2A0
phone 613-757-0657
fax 613-757-0818
CHCR is a community radio station in downtown Killaloe broadcasting at 102.9 Mhz and 104.5Mhz.

Community Resource Centre
P.O.Box 59 (15 Lake St.)
Killaloe, ON., K0J 2A0
phone 613-757-3108
or 888-757-3108
fax 613-757-0208
The Community Resource Centre (CRC) is a multi-service rural community hub.
Serving all ages and stages, they provide community-based supports, services and programs in the towns and villages across Renfrew County.

Killaloe Food Bank
P.O Box 59
c/o Community Resource Centre
Killaloe, ON., K0J 2A0
(613) 585 3689
The Food Bank itself is located at 12 North Street in Killaloe, (in the back, beside Buried Treasure).

Killaloe Lions Club
Box 152
Killaloe, ON., K0J 2A0

Killaloe and District Public Library
1 John St.
Killaloe, ON., K0J 2A0
The Library is now open Tuesday to Saturday
(offers free computer and Internet access)

Killaloe And District Senior Citizens Friendship Club Inc.
Box 193
Killaloe, ON., K0J 2A0
The club serves as a meeting place for seniors take courses, play cards, or get together for tea or lunch.

Ontario Works Killaloe
Ontario Works
1 John Street, PO Box 102
Killaloe, Ontario K0J 2A0
T. 613-732-2601
F. 613-432-9402
Toll-Free 1-866-897-4849
"Ontario Works" seeks to provide financial assistance and employment supports for all eligible participants. The service is intended to foster client independence while providing an opportunity to contribute to the community.

Rainbow Valley Community Health Centre
49 Mill Street, Killaloe, Ontario, K0J 2A0
Phone: 613.757.0004 - Fax: 613.757.0005
The Health Centre offers medical services for Killaloe and the surrounding area.

Wilno Heritage Society
Phone 613-756-6937
The Wilno Heritage Society commemorates and recognizes contributions by the area's ancestors. It strives to preserve Polish "Kaszubian" customs, traditions and language.

Women's Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County
Box 1274
Pembroke, ON., K8A 6Y6
Office phone 613-735-5551
Fax 613-735-8722
Toll-free 24-hour Support & Crisis Line: 1-800-663-3060
website: www.wsac.ca
e-mail: womcen@webhart.net