By-law Enforcement

The By-law Enforcement Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards’ By-Laws.

Typical bylaws include:

  • Animal Control By-law
  • Property Standards By-law
  • Residential Tenant Complaint About Maintenance
  • Zoning By-law 
  • Construction By-law
  •  Parking
  • Exotic Animals By-Law


  • By-law complaints must be submitted in writing with the complainant’s signature and contact information. Complaints shall include all details of the complaint including parties involved, location of incidents, date of incident and any other applicable supplemental documentation. 
  • All complaints are anonymous unless where required in the court of law. Should the matter proceed to court, you may be required to provide evidence as a witness, at which time your name and filed complaint may become public information.
  •  By-law complaints must be filled out using the prescribed forms below and can be submitted by mail, in person, or by email. Incomplete or missing information may result in delays. Copies of forms can be found at the front desk of the municipal office at 1 John Street, Killaloe, ON.
  • Animal Control Complaint Form 
  • Property Standard 
  • Residential Tenant Complaint About Maintenance
  • General Complaint Form 


    Tyler Mask
    By-Law Enforcement Officer
    Phone: 613-757-2300