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2007 & 2006 Bylaws

Bylaws by Year

Updated: Jan 04 24
 Created: Jan 01 70

By-Laws are provided as .pdf files. Official signed by-laws are available from the municipal office.

Scroll down for bylaws for the current year.

Updated: Jan 14 13
 Created: Jan 01 70

Important 2007 Bylaws
06-2007 By-law to authorize the submission of an application to the Ontario Infrastructure Projects Corporation (“OIPC”) for funding from The Rural Infrastructure Investment Initiative for new eligble capital projects of The Corporation of Township of Killaloe, Hagarty And Richards (the “municipality”); and to approve the expenditure of funds on said eligible capital projects
07-2007 By-law to provide for an Interim tax levy and the Payment of Interim taxes and to provide for penalty and interest of one and one-quarter percent for the year 2007.
12-2007 By-law to appoint fence viewers for the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards
13-2007 By-law to appoint members of the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards Committee of Adjustment.
15-2007 By-law to appoint auditors for the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards.
17-2007 By-law to provide for the stopping up, closing and conveyance to the abutting landowner thereof of part of the original allowance for road in front of Lot 24, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Richards, Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards. (County of Renfrew)
19-2007 By-law to authorize the Mayor and the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer to sign an Agreement with Valley Animal Shelter, for the provision of shelter facilities, care and other related services.
20-2007 By-law to appoint an Animal Control Officer.
23-2007 By-law to authorize the Mayor and the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer to sign an Agreement with Daniel Praks to allow him operate his chip truck on municipal property.
24-2007 Tax Rate By-law For 2007
By-law to adopt estimates of all sums required for Municipal purposes during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 2007 and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof for 2007.
50-2007 By-law to appoint Municipal Officers and set salaries and benefits for council and all township employees.
51-2007 By-law to authorize the Mayor and the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer to sign an Animal Shelter Services Agreement. (including the agreement between Bonnechere Valley Township and Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards)
Important 2006 Bylaws
8-2006 New Sewer and Water Service Rates By-Law
By-Law to establish sewage and water rates for the year 2006 to provide sufficient revenue to meet the estimates required for the operation of the Water and Sewage Plants.
20-2006 Property Standards By-Law
By-law for prescribing standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards.
25-2006 Tax Rate By-law For 2006
By-law to adopt estimates of all sums required for Municipal purposes during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 2006 and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof for 2006.
27-2006 By-law to authorize voting by mail for municipal elections.
33-2006 By-law relating to the Use, Protection and Regulation of Public Parks and Recreation Areas under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards..
38-2006 By-law to authorize the Reeve and the CAO/Clerk-Treasurer to sign an Agreement with the Saint Patrick’s Bay Community Road Safety Association (SPB)
42-2006 By-law to amend By-Law #36-2002, being a by-law to establish policies and procedures for the closure and disposition of road allowances.
(Includes Application for Closure of Road Allowance)
47-2006 By-law to amend By-Law #28-2002, being a by-law to establish a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters in the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards.
49-2006 By-Law to adopt the titles of its elected members for the Corporation of the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards